beachfront hotel
under construction –
sky in the rooms


over stone, the wings
of a dragonfly


swarming ants
when I bend down close –


shaped water
out beyond and beyond –
downeast Maine


bright pink roses
amid the flaming smoke bush –
a war of color


branch low
over the worn trail
how many know you?

drifting aimlessly
in unmown hay –
party balloon


on the porch screen
a fly crawls up and over
water, mountains and clouds


hot sandy soil
littered with metal and glass
a thistle grows tall


the sigh of the dog
brings me to consciousness –
summer afternoon


filaments of light
through weathered slats –
empty boathouse


on the pond
water striders
connect the dots

all night long
young lambs bleat for their mothers
grazing elsewhere


fledgling heron
undisturbed by onlookers
fishes alone


from a distant storm
fills the room


threadbare –
the old beach towel
lets the light through


only late July
yet spread under the tree
so many apples


August light flares white
off the end grain of stacked logs –
neighbor’s woodpile