left to stand
the winter long –
roof ladder


dead leaves
spiral upward –
winter wind


the first snow
falls lightly
into the garden


on the country road
a puddle transformed –
ice arabesque


bitter cold wind –
the shape of arthritis
through old worn gloves


a raft of mallards
on sparkling, icy water –
concentric circles 

blizzard conditions –
the glow of the streetlight
captures each flake


with snow brushed away
letter forms are etched in white –
stone memorial


in the distance –
stitched into the hillside
vineyard in winter


the frozen stream threads its way
through bare woods


what’s left
of the broken window
winter sunset


logs in the woodstove
shift as they turn to ash –
dead of winter 

unexpected thaw –
wood frog in partial torpor
glistens in the sun


white again
after the snow –
Queen Anne’s Lace


heavy snowfall –
now serpentine through the field
rabbit fencing


over the path
pine boughs low with snow –
woods smaller now


a snowy hill
scarred by sled marks
soaks in the sun


ice on the pond
yet the garden rake is quick
to find fallen leaves